Building Belonging: turning vicious into virtuous cycles
Belonging is a feeling. There are many ways you can help build a culture of belonging in your workplace. Chris Bent, founder of Piccles shares with us some of them.
Belonging is a feeling. There are many ways you can help build a culture of belonging in your workplace. Chris Bent, founder of Piccles shares with us some of them.
To remain relevant in today’s dynamic marketplace, we must always be learning. One of the best ways to learn and increase your knowledge base is to read. We invited our Spinner Expert, Theresa Destrebecq, to share her top tips on approaching your learning to make a difference in your business.
We all are part of at least one community, and maybe, some of you created a community or looking to start one. More companies looking to create communities, instead of building audiences. Lana Jelenjev shares her steps to redesigning businesses as communities.
What does it mean to run a business? It is not only about having a strong marketing strategy. You need to find clients, take care of the administration and financial aspects, manage customer service, and so on. Essentially, you need to do the job of four different people at the same time.
I can say I am a serial entrepreneur. From an e-commerce platform to a concept store, events and now a service provider, I did a lot. But how to find a work-life balance? Or is that even exist?