The best way to connect and build relationships with our community is through our monthly Online Networking with SPIN events. 

We have fun experimenting with events. Here is what we have done so far:

  • Networking events
  • Knowledge sharing events
  • Conferences
  • Give back to the community: Marketing for Good. 
  • Masterclasses and webinars 

Online Networking with a SPIN (ONS for those in the know!)

Every first Thursday of the month means it is time for Online Networking with a SPIN (ONS). For one hour, we gather people from all over the world and speed network. Of course, we add our SPIN to it: every edition has a topic, and we invite an expert to share tips on that. You can bring value to your clients and network by inviting them to join the events as well. They may meet their next client or business partner while joining the SPIN Business Community.

Check the list of the next events and reserve your spot!

BASE Conference

In 2019, Veronica joined forces with Lana Jelenjev to launch BASE Conference. In 2021, BASE was moved under the SPIN brand. Each year, we create new concepts and formats, so the conference is always surprising, even for us. One thing that has never changed, though, is our mission: to gather entrepreneurs, founders, leaders, and experts who want to build relationships, learn, innovate, and grow sustainably.

Interested in learning more? Visit the BASE website.