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Are you productive or just busy?

Start with WHO rather than the WHY
We all are part of at least one community, and maybe, some of you created a community or looking to start one. More companies looking to create communities, instead of building audiences. Lana Jelenjev shares her steps to redesigning businesses as communities.

Growth Without The Groan: 5 strategies you can adopt that will equip you to change
Change is the only constant thing in our lives; however, we tend to resist it. By using creative thinking we can find solutions to problems and unique ways of approaching business, making change easier.

4 Steps to Create a Marketing Strategy that Works
A good marketing strategy differentiates a successful company from one that fails. I created the SPIN Methodology to help you tackle this challenge we call a marketing strategy.

How to Create a Newsletter
The first and most important thing to consider when creating your newsletter is the purpose. What do you aim to achieve?

My Four Takeaways About Success and Failure
Failure, like success, is part of the entrepreneurial life. Here are my learnings on the topic.