I will not sit here and tell you how important it is to have quality content. You already know that otherwise, you would not be reading this article. That’s not entirely true. Maybe you were expecting something different, where for instance my title was not clear, or perhaps you just like my writing style.
Regardless of whatever prompted you to read my article, I presume you are struggling to develop new and innovative ideas for your blog. Don’t feel bad; everyone has the same issue.
The trick to overcoming this obstacle is to know your audience and be consistent. If you have already read my articles, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, you really should before you start working on your blog ideas. It will help.
Now, let’s get to the juicy part. How can you develop fresh and relevant ideas?
For that, we need to go back to your audience and the reason why you started the blog. Let’s break it down.

Your audience is at the core of your business, so it is only logical for this to also be the starting point of your content creation. By knowing and analyzing your audience, you will know what to write about. Take me and my blog as an example. My audience is business owners and entrepreneurs who need help with their marketing strategy and marketing in general. Thus, my content is focused on:
- How to create content
- Distribution channels
- Strategic partnerships
- Monitoring results
- Video creation
You get the picture. By the way, if you are wondering why the first bullet point is not hyperlinked, it is because it would direct you to this article. Well, that would be redundant.
Now, back to your audience. Please write down the answers to the following questions:
- Who are you addressing?
- What is the problem?
- What does your audience like?
- What is happening in your industry?
Answering the above bullet points will give you plenty of new topics to write about. The best part is that you don’t need to create just one article on one subject! You can write a series.
This brings me to the second aspect I mentioned above.

To help you better understand what I am referring to, I will use my own content as an example. My purpose as a business is to help my clients create a marketing strategy. This is also reflected in the content I create. Everything is centered on their needs, for instance how to create a marketing strategy, produce content, utilize social media, incorporate video, and so on.
Think about your purpose: What do you want to provide your audience? Do you want to educate them on a certain topic, teach them how to do something, or just keep them informed? This will help you better outline the above topics.

Consistency is the secret to running a successful business. You can’t improve without hard work. There are no magic pills to make you more creative overnight or help you be faster and better at writing. You just need to do it and keep on doing it over and over again. We all know the rule of 10.000 hours. Practice makes perfect.
Of course, one solution is to outsource it. However, if you like writing, who better to write about your business and expertise than you? As a safety measure, you can hire an editor to make sure there are no grammar mistakes and your article is fluid if you are not a native speaker. The core of the content, however, should be you and your knowledge. After all, people follow your company because of you. The more you will write, the easier it will get.
Fair warning. Don’t expect to sit down in front of your computer, start writing, and suddenly produce an amazing piece. That (most likely) will never happen. Like any process, there are steps to follow. Jeff Goins shares the system he used to write five books and over one thousand blog posts. I use a very similar process, and it works. I invite you to try it, as well.
Before I leave you to it, I would like to give you two more ideas for content creation:
- Audit your old content and see which articles performed best. However, the information is outdated, so you can rewrite the article(s) to make sure the correct long-tail keywords are being used.
- Analyze what your competitors are doing and write an article on the same topic, but offer a different point of view.
We are all busy, and the time we allocate to each item on our to-do list, including the time it takes to read an article, is limited. Keep your article on the short side and relevant. Happy writing!