There is a very strong connection between marketing and sales. No one can deny it, even if you may disagree when it comes to the type of relationship.

Some say sales is the one that dictates the work that needs to be done by the marketing team. Others state the opposite. Some companies, especially smaller ones, believe they don’t need a marketing department, only a very good sales department with a hunter attitude to make the calls, meet with the clients, and close the deals.

On the other hand, the small entrepreneurs are so focused on the marketing side of the business, they consider sales (meaning the actual closing of the deal) part of the marketing activities. A reason for this can also be the fact most people don’t know how to sell and fear the process: meeting with the client, creating the offer, negotiating, and signing on the dotted line. It is a long and exhausting process.

Marketing seems like it is an easier avenue. You just need to make sure you are everywhere and do what everyone else is doing and people will know you and your products and services. Right? Sounds much easier and not so intrusive. You don’t need to go out of your comfort zone. Or at least, not as much as selling something.

However, the problem with this approach is that it will not get you anywhere. I have said it before and I will keep on saying it: if you don’t have an end goal and a strong structure for your marketing activities, it is a waste of time, money, and energy. Performing all of these actions will not bring you anything.

You see, marketing is the activity that generates awareness, creates buzz, and makes people talk about the products and services you are selling … and actually want them. In other words, marketing is the activity that puts your company, products, and services on the market. On the other hand, sales are the activity that closes the deal, which makes sure all the leads created by the marketing campaigns are not wasted but converted into customers.


I see it as a love affair: you need two to tango.

And as in all good relationships, it needs to be a relationship based on equality. One is not more important than the other, or in other words, one should respond to the other. These two need to work together closely and have good communication. Like every successful relationship, the secret is communication and collaboration. Both need to work toward the same goal.

No matter the size of your company, or even if you are alone running the show, make sure you see the difference between these two “departments” and the activities connected to each of them. Not even the structure of your company changes it, where you have two departments or just one to incorporate marketing and sales. There is no denying it: marketing and sales are two different things, and you need both to have a smooth-running operation.

The fact that you are alone or do not have enough employees in your company to have a sales and a marketing department is not an excuse either. If you are good at sales, you can hire a company to help you run your marketing activities, and if you are good at marketing, you can hire a company to help you with the selling process. You cannot run a successful business if you ignore either one of them.

In the end, not having — and utilizing — both departments will cost you money. You may even have to shut down your company. On the contrary, by hiring sales and marketing people, your chances of success increase.