Join our upcoming events:

Thursday, April 3rd 2025: ONS:April Edition
Thursday, March 6th 2025: ONS:March Edition

How we are spinning it:

  1. We all meet via Zoom and use the breakout rooms to engage in a series of 15-minute networking sessions. This means we all get the time to really connect and meet new people.
  2. There are 3 networking rooms, each with a different topic that you can choose from and switch between them.
  3. We challenge you to focus on the message you want to communicate.
  4. Be curious and think out of the box!
  5. Make sure you have your camera and mic on: we want to see and hear you.
  6. We encourage you to list your name and location when you log in. This is a great conversation starter.
  7. Be open to meeting new people and have fun!

How the Online Networking with a SPIN event can be used to YOUR advantage:

  • Gain visibility: you meet new people and make meaningful connections every single time.
  • Bring value to your clients and network: invite your clients, prospects and network to join the events too. They will meet new people that could be their next client or business partner and be part of a business community. They will then see you as an authority when it comes to connections.
  • Build relationships: join the SPIN Ideas Community and allow others to get to know you by sharing your projects and any interesting facts about you and your company.
  • Learn something new: With every edition, we bring you a different theme and invite an expert to share tips on the designated topic. Don't worry, there are two-minute tips shared between the sessions while we are busy with the tech part, so we are not taking away from your networking time.

Our previous ONS events:

January 9th 2025: ONS:Let's kick off 2025 in style!

December 5th 2024: ONS:December Edition

November 7th 2024: ONS:November Edition

October 3rd 2024: ONS:October Edition

September 5th 2024: ONS:September Edition

June 4th 2024: ONS:How to create your entrepreneurial team

June 6th 2024: ONS:Human-centric sales strategy

May 2nd 2024: ONS:CSRD and materiality assessment tips for 2024

April 4th 2024: ONS:Inbound marketing and content strategy trends

March 7th 2024: ONS: How to boost your community and sales

February 1st, 2024: ONS: Unveiling Sales Enablement: A Strategic Powerhouse for Business Growth.

January 4th, 2024: ONS: Marketing Strategy 2024.

December 7th, 2023: ONS: How to implement AI in your business.

November 1st, 2023: ONS: Women in Tech: time to focus on business growth!

July 6th, 2023: ONS Theme of the month: Planning to perform

June 1st, 2023: ONS Theme of the month: How to future-proof your business

May 4th, 2023: ONS Theme of the month: Collaboration vs. Competition

April 6th, 2023: ONS Theme of the month: The importance of building sustainable relationships to grow

March 2nd, 2023: ONS Theme of the month: Social Impact.

February 2nd, 2023: ONS: Let's learn and grow together.

January 12th, 2023: ONS: How to grow your company internationally

December 1st, 2022: ONS: Create your Marketing Strategy

November 3rd, 2022: ONS: Building Belonging

October 6th, 2022: ONS: Special Edition in collaboration with North Star Dubai

October 6th, 2022: ONS: The Lifesaving Power of Connection

September 1st, 2022 ONS: Mindset Matters.

August 11th, 2022: ONS: Creative Visualisation

July 7th, 2022: ONS: How to increase conversions through a strong persuasive message

June 2nd, 2022: ONS: Non-verbal leadership behaviour

May 5th, 2022: ONS: Leadership, how to hire the right people

April 7th, 2022: ONS: How to turn your customer into advocated by listening

March 3rd, 2022: ONS: How to set up your business for sustainable success

February 3rd, 2022, ONS: Human centric marketing